The Issues

John Rosenfeld’s Platform

A White Barn on the Field

Defend Our Land: Safeguard Iowa’s Heartland

John advocates for protecting Iowa farms from eminent domain, banning its misuse by private and foreign entities, notably China. He demands accountability from energy companies, prioritizes groundwater protection, and insists on decisions driven by common sense over special interests, ensuring property and public safety.

Calculator and Pen on Table

Economic Blueprint for Iowa

John is committed to keeping energy costs down, bolstering commodity prices via strategic trade agreements, and reducing tax loopholes that benefit special interests. His approach includes minimizing government oversight and prioritizing purchases from local businesses to strengthen Iowa’s economy.

Photo of Family Having Fun With Soccer Ball

Strengthening Our Communities

John proposes bolstering law enforcement to combat trafficking, intensifying efforts against drug addiction, expanding alcoholism treatment, and increasing education and training for mental health professionals, focusing on community safety and improving public health.

Photo of Man Using His Gun

Guard Our Rights: Preserve the Second Amendment’s Promise

John stands firm on upholding constitutional carry, protecting gun ranges, opposing magazine capacity limits, and challenging firearm storage and ammunition regulations. He advocates for employee rights regarding firearms and seeks to reverse gun-free zone policies, asserting the inviolable right to bear arms.

Energize Iowa: Championing a Diverse Energy Future

John advocates for an all-encompassing energy strategy prioritizing low-cost, reliable, and efficient sources. He supports transitioning to renewable energy when it competes fairly in the market, emphasizing Iowa resources over government mandates and regulatory loopholes to lower energy costs.

A Woman Dropping her Vote in a Box

Safeguarding Iowa’s Electoral Integrity

John is committed to securing Iowa’s position with the First in the Nation Caucus. He advocates for the elimination of same-day registration and insists on paper ballots to uphold electoral integrity. His focus is on eradicating voter fraud to ensure fair elections.

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