John Rosenfeld

John Rosenfeld, a Clear Lake, Iowa resident, is a candidate for the Iowa House of Representatives in District 60. This district encompasses Worth and Mitchell Counties, along with parts of Cerro Gordo and Floyd Counties.

John, a committed Republican, has been actively involved in politics since the early 1980s, beginning with his work on the Ronald Reagan campaign. His career as a small businessman spans decades, highlighted by his 29-year ownership of an award-winning landscape contracting business and garden center in Minturn, Colorado. John was born and raised in Mason City. Now based in Clear Lake, John contributes to the agricultural sector by selling large fertilizer equipment.

John’s candidacy is driven by a deep appreciation for Iowa’s community values, including engaging conversations, animal welfare, and gardening. His political vision, inspired by Ronald Reagan, emphasizes small government, fiscal responsibility, personal freedoms, and a strong stance on the sanctity of life. This perspective notably differentiates him from his Republican opponent in the upcoming primary, positioning John as a unique choice for voters on June 4th.

John will firmly uphold the protection of property rights against green energy encroachments, advocate for pro-life values, and steadfastly support the principle that gun rights “shall not be infringed.” With a promise to champion the concerns of small business owners, farmers, and grassroots activists, John Rosenfeld seeks to bring authentic Iowa values and dedicated representation to the State Legislature.

Legislative Priorities: preborn life, personal property rights, education reform, and Second Amendment rights

Born:1966 lowa City,IA

Education:Bachelor of Science, Colorado State University 1990, Agricultural Science Landscape Horticulture, Cum Laude

Spouse:Cherish Rosenfeld

Previous Campaigns:Town of Minturn Town Council, Eagle County Commissioner Previous Office: Minturn Town Council

Interests:gardening, hiking, caring for animals, classic cars, target shooting

Political Boards:

  • Eagle County Republican Central Committee- Vice Chair 2008-2020 Colorado House District 26, Chair 2010-2020
  • US Congressional District 2, Vice Chair 2012-2016
  • Colorado Senate District 5, Vice Chair 2012-2016

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